Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Stench of Victory

It was over.

I plopped down on my seat in the car and glanced in the mirror. Wet stringy hair was matted to my face. The look of exhaustion. Face flushed red with heat. I looked at my arms, covered in sweat. My ankles were dirty from the dust and rocks of the road. My back and torso drenched in sweat. I already felt sore and tired. Then I got a whiff, and that put me over the edge. The stench. I stunk. Bad.

But I did it. I made it. I overcame. I was victorious.

It was the stench of victory that stuck out in my mind.

I had just finished an ugly, hilly, nine mile run. It wasn't the furthest I'd gone. It wasn't the hardest. It was just ugly. But I pressed through. Now I stunk, but it was a stench that goes with the territory.

As I sat there, I contemplated what it all meant. Obviously there are many parallels between running and life. Yet another life truth was highlighted that day: there is a stench of victory. Put another way, victory stinks.

If you pay attention to almost any sport, except for golf (ha ha), at the end of the competition, the winner can be elated, but they usually are also a mess. They are all sweaty, dirty, exhausted, and emotionally spent. But they are victorious. The victory makes all the smell and exhaustion worth it.

Just like life.

In your mind, think of several people that you know personally that you respect and perhaps look up to. Think of why you respect them. Chances are it is because they have gone through some dificulties in life, but battled through those difficulties and were victorious. 

But if you've watched them go through it, most likely it was anything but pretty.  In the midst of those struggles, people tend to get pretty raw. Tired. Stressed. Emotional. Exhausted. They stink.

Then they make it through. Victory.

Without challenges, struggles, and obstacles, the victory would be insignificant. It is because of those challenges, struggles, and obstacles that the victory is great.

Perhaps you are going through a challenge right now. I guarantee you that others are watching. It may be ugly. You may be tired. Frankly, you probably stink. But when the victory comes, it will be worth it.

The next morning I could barely walk but inside I was happy. The battle was over. I had made it through. It had been ugly. I had smelled badly. 

But I am victorious!

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