Monday, November 18, 2013

Hulk Hogan, falling down, and getting back up.

As a teenager, I enjoyed watching professional wrestling. My favorite wrestler was Hulk Hogan. Hulk was an amazing person to watch, showing incredible strength and a larger-than-life personality. I remember some of the matches where he would be getting beat. The opponent would be throwing him around, kicking him, flying off the top rope and landing on him, or inflicting other damaging blows to his body. Hulk would look like he was about ready to give up and be pinned. But then something would happen. Slowly the Hulk would begin building inner resolve. The crowd would see it and go nuts, cheering for him. The opponent would continue to pound on him, but now it had no effect. Hulk would begin to shake off the pain, shake off the beatings. He began to pick himself up. His eyes would get wide. His muscles would begin to ripple. The opponent would realize that his poundings were having no effect, and suddenly fear would strike him. Hulk would rise again from the mat after all of those beatings, the pain, and the suffering. Hulk would be back! In no time, the opponent would be begging for mercy but Hulk would pin him quickly and the match would be over. Hulk-a-mania would be running wild!

I loved the plot line. Down but not out. Beaten almost to an end. Yet an inner strength allowed him to pick himself up yet again. Out of the brokenness, in the end he was victorious. 

Apparently professional wrestling is not real, or so I've been told. :)  But the heroics of Hulk Hogan have provided inspiration. The real life heroics of the Bibical characters Jacob, Paul, Joseph, and David have provided much more inspiration as people whose life circumstances had them almost down for the count. I've also known people today that even though their life circumstances have beaten them down numerous times, they have continued to get back up and continue the fight. It shows me I am not alone.  There are others who continue to get back up after being beaten down.

Proverbs: 24:16 says, "No matter how often honest people fall, they always get up again; but disaster destroys the wicked." (CEB)  The NIV version says, "For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes."

As I write this today, my chest has a seering pain like someone is slowly cutting at my heart. This is not the first time. No, this is now the 5th time that this issue has arisen. Four of the five have been this year. At times, the pain feels dehabilitating. It hurts, it exhausts me, I struggle with sleep, weight, and eating. It feels like another disaster. 

It even messes up my running plans. As an example, I am attempted to achieve certain running goals. One of my goals is to run certain races on a progressively more challenging level. I have previously "fallen" six times this year. Sickness robbed me of even being able to attempt these goals.
  • 05/19 - Iris 10k - chest illness
  • 08/24 - Canby Dahlia Half Marathon - chest illness in April
  • 10/19 - Runaway Pumpkin Half - chest illness September
  • 10/27 - MacDonald Forest 15k - chest illness September
  • 11/10 - Autumn Runs 10 miler - chest illness October
  • 11/16 - Hell of the Northwest 10k - chest illness, ankle injury October
The old thought patterns taunt me: Doubts and discouragement quickly set in. The voices tell me I should give up on those dreams. They say I'll never make it. That it is not worth it. I have fallen six times - just give it up. I sit and wonder if I will be able to achieve my next three races that are coming up quickly. I think I will fall. I believe I will lose ground. I am convinced I will lose momentum. I want to give up. 

But this time, I feel different. This is the seven time. I feel the same thing that Hulk Hogan would feel. I will not take this lying down. Yes it is difficult. Yes there is pain. But there is something in me that says enough is enough. I will not be beaten. I will not allow calamity destroy my hopes. I will not give up on my goals. My inner man is beginning to be filled with resolve. I am stronger than this. I will not let the opponents of fear and sickness bring me down. I can feel my spirit rise within me.

Some of us have fallen quite a few times. 

It may have been a health issue. You may have started to feel better, and then things get worse.

It may have been a financial fall - debt or even bankruptcy. You begin to climb out of the financial pit, and then you slide right back into it.

It may have been a dream of yours. You start to attain it, and yet it slips out of your grasp.

The "wicked" let the circumstance get the best of them. The "righteous" get back up.

Today, I encourage you to get back up. Feel the strength and courage returning. Feel the hope rising up in your chest. Feel the determination swell within you that says you will not be beaten. 

We may fall. We may get beaten down. But today: rise. Rise above the opponents to your dreams, your health, your finances, your God-given future! Get back up! Today can be your day to overcome!

If this blog article encouraged you, I'd love to hear about it.

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