Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Man in the Mirror

I raise my head and gaze forward
A reflection
Who is that?
Almost unrecognizable
Where did he come from?
Why is he looking back at me?

I move my head to the left
He moves with me
I move to the right
He shadows my every move

It is me
But I do not recognize him
Seldom do I look in the mirror
Somewhere, sometime, I have changed
I look different

I move closer to the mirror
I see a large scar
Across my cheek it stretches
Ugly, noticeable, unhidden
No makeup would cover it

Where did it come from?
What caused it?
Does it matter?

I see the lines across my forehead
No, those are from challenging situations
The marks of stress
The marks of concern
Prayers of anguish

The face is haunting me
I see the changes
He looks older
Not wiser, just older

The carefree look is gone
More seasoned
More experienced
More reserved

Who is he?
What has happened to me?
Is this really me?

The marks of brutal fights
Obviously not the winner
What were those fights?
Did anyone help him in the end?

Nose looks broken
Slightly bent to the right
Something significant happened
Even with healing, it will still show
Show the markings of the past

Intently I stare into his eyes
Seeing so much
The look of pain
The recognition of sorrow
The flinch of reaction to rejection
The trepidation that comes with misunderstandings
The light of hope faded


There is something else
This face that looks gruesome
This man in the mirror
Somehow he looks vaguely familiar
Not like me, but like someone else

Who am I seeing?
Someone else
A faint resemblance

The One who suffered
Nothing attractive about Him
One who knew pain firsthand
Not given a second glance

Ever so faintly
I can see
We looked down on Him
Thought He was scum

He carried our pains
All the things wrong with us
The plan all along
Crushed in order to give life

My brother
Whom I call Lord
A glimpse
I can see Him
Ever so faintly

Despised by man
He bore it all

The man in the mirror
It is me
Yet I see someone else
A faint family resemblance
Ever so faint
But it is there
A few of the same lines as I see upon my Brother
I see in me a glimpse of the Father.

~ Keith Koerner, April 17, 2013

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