Friday, December 21, 2012

The End of the World - Are You Ready?

Today is supposedly the end of the world.  There are lots of End of the World parties happening.  Lots of jokes about it.  Everyone laughs.  Everyone mocks it.  Yeah, the end of the world.  Right.

I have never believed that today would be the end of the world.  The Bible says that no one knows when the end will come.  I confess, I too have joked along with others about today being the end.  But under all of the joking, something has been bothering me.

What is bothering me is that everyone really thinks that the end is just a joke.  That it would never happen.  That life will always just continue on.  And it is then mocked.  The end of the world parties are an example of a the mockery.  People are saying in their own way, "Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die.  Let's party now while we have the chance.  No need to examine our lives; let's just live it up."

While I don't believe that today is the end of the world; there is a chance that it could be the end for one of us... or maybe next year... or in five years. We don't know when "the end" is for each of us.  So many people die prematurely; accidents, health issues, disasters, or tragedies happen all the time.  And the Bible is clear that there truly will be an end of the world. There will be an end of each of us individually and collectively.

Consider these questions:
  • How would we act if we knew our time was short?  
  • What if today truly was the end of the world?  
  • Are we right with God?  
  • Do we know where we will go after death?

I believe many of us Americans really don't want to know the answers to those questions, or we don't like the thought of it.  So we ignore it with jokes, parties, and entertainment.  But it is not a joke.  Life is not a joke.  Life after death - heaven or hell - is not a joke.

I encourage you to think on the questions above.  Let me ask you one more question: Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?  If you know things are not right, then please get things right with Him.  If you don't know how to do that, or would like to talk about it, I'd love to be able to help.  I, or another Christian, can show and explain to you what the Bible says about our lives, our deaths, and the "End of the World."

This isn't just about what happens after death.  A real and personal relationship with Jesus will absolutely transform your life and He is the only one who can truly do that.  He is the only one who can really bring peace in a messed up life and world.  He is the one who sets the example of what real love is.  I encourage you to believe and trust in Jesus today.

Whether the end is soon or a long time off, having a personal relationship with Jesus will lead to an eternity of learning and growing while experiencing His love and peace.  I promise you that your life will never be the same!


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